Home Your Town Council Committees Full and Interim Council

Full and Interim Council

Chaired by the Mayor, Cllr. Anja Schaefer

Full Council meetings are held every seven weeks. However, if there is urgent business which needs to be transacted, then an Interim Council meeting will be held.

The Chairman of the Council is elected at the Annual Statutory Meeting of the Town Council in May and has the title of Mayor. They are then the Mayor of the Town for one year and may be re-elected Mayor again.

The Full Council deals with important business which affects the whole town. It oversees the Committees of the Council. The Council also receive reports from local Buckinghamshire Council Councillors and bodies to which it appoints representatives.

Interim Full Council

Any urgent business which needs to be transacted between Full Council meetings is dealt with at Interim Council meetings.

All planning applications for developments of eleven or more homes, or developments of any size are reviewed at Full or Interim Councils rather than the Planning Committee.

Full and Interim Council Meetings

Agendas, documents and minutes can be viewed by selecting the relevant upcoming or past meeting or from the Meetings Calendar for older items.

Upcoming Meetings

Recent Meetings

Meetings Calendar

July 2023
August 2023
No items
September 2023
Mon 11th September
Displaying items from 1 July 2023 to 30 September 2023

Committee Members

30 May 2022
Last Updated
5 July 2023