Home Your Town Council Committees Environment Committee

Environment Committee

Chaired by Cllr. Fran Davies

The Town Council’s Environment Committee is authorised by the Full Council to take responsibility for the protection and improvement of the town. We make recommendations to the Full Council regarding any land or property purchases or sales, seeking professional advice where appropriate.

We keep an eye on work required to footpaths, pavements, cycle-ways, roads, waterways, horticultural and arboriculture works, street furniture (seats, planters and waste bins), play areas, and play equipment.

However, not all of this falls within the Town Council remit, so we liaise closely with our Buckinghamshire Council partners on the maintenance of those items for which they have specific responsibility.

Much of our ‘estate’ comprises Chandos and Bourton Parks, the Railway Walk and other open spaces. Apart from ensuring that these areas are properly maintained, we work closely with the Conservation Volunteers and various friends groups to maintain and improve these valuable resources and protect the indigenous wild life.

Environment Committee Meetings

Agendas, documents and minutes can be viewed by selecting the relevant upcoming or past meeting or from the Meetings Calendar for older items.

Upcoming Meetings

Recent Meetings

Meetings Calendar

May 2026
No items
June 2026
No items
July 2026
No items
Displaying items from 1 May 2026 to 31 July 2026

Committee Members

30 May 2022
Last Updated
11 June 2024