Sponsorship at Events

Throughout the year, Buckingham Town Council arranges several exciting events which are attended by thousands. These events draw people into the town and generate pride in Buckingham. This pride and engagement encourage our communities to stay local and support our shops and services. Our events also showcase the town to visitors and help drive our thriving tourist industry. This year, why not raise your local profile and support your town by choosing to sponsor one of our events.

Events you can Sponsor

Benefits of Sponsoring Events

Some of the many benefits in sponsoring our events include:

  • Printing your logo on selected promotional material such as posters and handouts.
  • Displaying your banner at the event. We will publish photographs with your banner in view.
  • You will be acknowledged in press releases as having sponsored the event.
  • Our social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) platforms will mention your company having sponsored the event and feature your logo.

Are you a local trader looking for further promotion for your business? Or do you have ideas that can help businesses thrive? If you are, why not join the Buckingham Traders Association, a group who are keen to help local businesses be seen within the town. Contact the Town Centre Manager for more information on how to get involved.

30 May 2022
Last Updated
17 April 2023