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Bonfire and Fireworks is one of the Council’s most popular events each year. Thousands gather in the paddock at Bourton Park for a free event with hot food, music, and a fantastic display of fireworks, plus the biggest bonfire for miles around. With lots of different local groups taking part in making the night a success, Bonfire and Fireworks has the warm community feeling everyone needs around about early November.
A warm introduction
Near the play areas a variety of hot food and drinks are available. Each year we look to make sure a variety of food and drink is on offer, with both kids and grown ups having something tasty to try.
Titanium Fireworks
Titanium Fireworks produce our fireworks displays each year, working hard to produce a spectacular blend of light and colour as well as plenty of bangs.
Bonfire Time
It wouldn’t be Bonfire Night without a bonfire, and ours is always impressive. Lit after the fireworks finish so that the light does not interfere with the display, the bonfire is made up of donated pallets from local building firms and contractors and put together by our green spaces team. Don’t worry, each year the bonfire is carefully checked for hedgehogs before it is lit.
Free event
Having a free public display in Buckingham reduces the number of individual fireworks displays across town, cutting down on noise pollution and any adverse impacts on the area, while providing a fun night out with a great atmosphere that is accessible to the whole town.

Where is this event?
Bonfire & Fireworks takes place in Bourton Park Paddock