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Events for 13 March 2025

Street Market

Market Hill Market Hill, Buckingham

Buckingham's Tuesday market sells fruits and vegetables, flowers and plants, bread. pots and household goods in the backdrop of the historic Old Gaol area.

A guided tour of St Peter & St Paul’s led by Warren Whyte RIBA

St Peter & St Paul’s Church Castle Street, Buckingham

Hear about how George Gilbert Scott transformed St. Peter and St. Paul's Church, Buckingham on Tuesday 19th July 2022 from 6pm. Warren Whyte, as church architect for nearly 15 years, […]

Postponed: The Oxford Fiddle Group

The Radcliffe Centre Church Street, Bucingham

Despite the best efforts of the University, the cooling system at the Radcliffe Centre has been overwhelmed by the extreme heat today, and it’s clear that it won’t be possible […]