The town’s cemetery is at Brackley Road, Buckingham. The cemetery is open to visitors seven days a week.
This cemetery is owned, maintained and managed by Buckingham Town Council. On this page are a number of documents that are required when a burial plot is to be used at the cemetery. Further information and confidential help can be obtained from the burial officer at Buckingham Town Council.

Brackley Rd, Buckingham MK18 1JA
The nearest postcode to Buckingham Brackley Road Cemetery is MK18 1JA.
From Buckingham town centre: travel along West Street until it becomes Brackley Road. The Cemetery is on the right hand side of the road. Pedestrians can enter through the large iron gates.
Cemetery enquiries
Please contact us on:
- Tel: 01280 816 801 (lines open at 9am Monday to Friday)
- Email:
Guides and Handbooks
Printable versions of documents required for cemetery work/requests
Memorial Testing at Brackley Road Cemetery
Buckingham has a distinguished historic cemetery that is over 150 years old which Buckingham Town Council is responsible for maintaining. As part of its commitment to providing an attractive and safe cemetery for its visitors, the Town Council has started to assess the safety of memorials in the cemetery.
The Town Council is going to undertake a programme of memorial safety testing in the cemetery which will be done in an appropriate and sensitive manner. This will be an on-going process, conducted on a yearly basis, with all of the memorials being tested over a five year period. The holder of the grave deed is ultimately responsible for the maintenance of the memorial; a list of any unsafe memorials will be made available on the Town Council website and at the cemetery. The council would like to stress that if any unsafe memorials are found they will not be laid flat unless there is no alternative to making them temporarily safe until they can be repaired.
Deed holders of burial plots in the cemetery are asked to update the Town Council with their current address, especially if it has changed since being issued with the original burial deed.
The Town Council will answer any questions anyone has about the memorial testing at the cemetery.
Please contact: Lee Phillips on 01280 816 801 or email him at: