Buckingham Town Council’s Planning Committee has not hesitated to support an application from the University of Buckingham to permit the use of the 156-seat ground floor lecture theatre in the Vinson Building by The Film Place on Friday and Saturday evenings.
The Film Place, Buckingham’s local cinema, has been using a lecture theatre in the Chandos Road Building since 2005, but access for the less able is more difficult, and the move will open up more of the Vinson Building for public use, as outlined in its own planning application in 2016. Eight new parking places, are to be provided at the southern end of the Building, close to two existing blue badge bays, and any overflow can be accommodated in the island car park.
We look forward to promoting approval of this application by Buckinghamshire Council, and to the Opening Night at the new venue.
Cllr. Mark Cole JP, Chairman of the Planning Committee, said “this further strengthens the ongoing relationship between Town and Gown, and we are grateful to the Vice-Chancellor to agreeing to accommodate the cinema in this wonderful building, which already welcomes the public to its other facilities”.