As of Tuesday 5th January, Buckingham, and the whole country, have entered a new National Lockdown. There is a summary of what this means on our Coronavirus pages, which also contain signposts for local help or a raft of issues that may be impacting on your life at this time. For detailed guidance about the lockdown restrictions please visit the government website.
There are some additional changes to Buckingham Town Council services due to the National Lockdown:
- Play areas will remain open, however, multi-use games areas and outdoor gym equipment are now closed. Please be patient and do not use equipment while we arrange signage.
- Buckingham market remains open for essential items.
- The Food Fair, Pancake Races and other upcoming public events in January and February will be cancelled.
- Shopmobility will be closed, the Shopmobility building was also impacted by the flooding just before Christmas.
- Public toilets will remain open.
As in Tier 4 the following additional services are running differently:
- The Tourist Information Centre and the Tourist Information Centre phone line are closed.
- Lace Hill Sports and Community Centre is only open for a very small number of allowable bookings.
- Town Council staff are largely working from home, apart from the Green Spaces Team who continue to work out and about. The green spaces team have worked extremely hard clearing up after the flooding on Christmas Eve. Please help keep our team safe and well by not approaching them while they are working. If you have a query, please call or email the office team, and we will help you.