Home Communication and Strategy Group Communications Strategy Sub-Committee (6 Jun 2024)

Communications Strategy Sub-Committee (6 Jun 2024)

13:00 6 June 2024
15:00 6 June 2024

Please note the meeting’s agenda will be available three clear days before a meeting of the Town Council.

The meeting will be preceded by a Public Session in accordance with Standing Orders 3.e and 3.f, which will last for a maximum of 15 minutes. Members of the public can attend the meeting in person. If you would like to address the meeting virtually, please email office@buckingham-tc.gov.uk or call 01280 816426 for details.

The meeting can be watched live on the Town Council’s YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC89BUTwVpjAOEIdSlfcZC9Q/

Contact: Adam Hinds; Email: office@buckingham-tc.gov.uk

10 January 2024
Last Updated
31 May 2024