Buckingham Town Council is asking everyone who can, to support the 2023 Small Business Saturday. This year it takes place on Saturday 2nd December. The national campaign aims to highlight small business success and encourages consumers to shop local and support small businesses in their communities.

To celebrate the campaign and help drive footfall to the town centre on the day there will free activities on offer including musical entertainment outside the Town Council Chamber to welcome shoppers and create a festive buzz. Acts include Accent Percussion – a new community percussion group and performances by young people from the Adele Peters Performing Arts School and the Buckingham Pauline Quirke Academy and the Launton Handbell Ringers.
As well as that there will be free face painting at the Buckingham Chantry Chapel between 10 am and 1pm, a free Elf Hunt around the Street Market with treats from 10am until 4pm and a bubbleologist elf will be popping up outside the Old Gaol Museum between 10am and 1pm . There will also be the launch of our Festive Shoppers Passport prize draw to win £50 which will continue until 17th December. With Christmas just around the comer, it is a perfect opportunity to explore what our local businesses have to offer.
Cllr. Robin Stuchbury, Chair of the Town Centre, and Events Committee, said that “through decisions and working closely with the committee, this year the town council are hosting a Small Business Saturday event. We wish to promote trade within the town and support our independent shops who are already doing great things and by working together in partnership on this community event.”