BandJam is back! A full nine hours of free live music will rock Buckingham Town Centre from 1 – 10pm on Sun 28th August.
BandJam is organised by the BandJam Group, headed up by Lee Maloney from The New Inn Pub in Buckingham. Lee always hunts out an exciting line up for the event, and BandJam 2022 is no exception, with returning favourites and some incredible first timers including: Krissy Matthews, 60s Jukebox, Brothers Homebrew, The Reformers, Big Head, Twisted Echo, Liquid Stone and more.
As well as fantastic food and drink available from local shops and restaurants Go Greek Food and J&R Burgers will be at the event to help keep the festival well fed.
BandJam is supported by Buckingham Town Council who fund the event and arrange logistical support, as part of their work to support the local economy.
Cllr. Robin Stuchbury, Chair of the Town Centre & Events Committee said: “Having been fortunate to have been involved in BandJam since it first arrived in the town centre, I’m looking forward to another day of entertainment and music. BandJam provides an opportunity for people to gather at a free event, meet each other and catch up on what everyone’s been doing; against the backdrop of live music. I would like to say a large thank you to the BandJam Group and Lee Maloney, Buckingham Town Council staff, the security company and last but most importantly, the continued support of committee members to put on such events which support trade in the town.”