Home Your Town Council News News Buckingham Neighbourhood Plan – final public consultation

Buckingham Neighbourhood Plan – final public consultation

The draft Buckingham Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to Buckinghamshire Council on 6 December 2024. The Plan can now proceed to the final public consultation, known as the Regulation 16 Consultation.

Buckinghamshire Council will be administering the Regulation 16 Consultation, which will run for a period of seven weeks, commencing on Thursday 12th December 2024 until Thursday 30 January 2025 – responses must be received by 11:59pm.

Following the Consultation, the comments received will be passed to an independent examiner, to be appointed by Buckinghamshire Council, who will consider the representations and determine if the draft Plan should be put to a community referendum.

To comment on the draft Neighbourhood Plan, where possible, please use Buckinghamshire Council’s Consultation Portal where all of the documents that form part of the consultation can be found.

How to submit a comment

You can submit a comment in one of the following ways:

If you have any questions about this consultation, please email:

neighbourhoodplanning@buckinghamshire.gov.uk or phone 01296 383 698.

Cllr Mark Cole JP, Chairman, Buckingham Neighbourhood Plan Working Group said:

After two years’ work and consultations with our residents, stakeholders, potential developers, and the local planning authority, we have now submitted the final draft of our revised Buckingham Neighbourhood Development Plan to Buckinghamshire Council for approval. The plan sets out what development and infrastructure the people of Buckingham want, where they want it, and how it should look. As chairman of the working group which has delivered our updated plan, may I thank its members and officers, our planning consultants, and most of all the members of the public who have contributed so much towards shaping Buckingham’s future through to 2040.

Cllr Anthony Ralph, Vice Chair, Buckingham Neighbourhood Plan Working Group said:

The Buckingham Neighbourhood Development Plan has been produced in a joint effort between Buckingham residents, our staff, and the Town Council. It demonstrates that working cooperatively, we can create a document illustrating how we wish our town to flourish in the coming years. It encompasses a controlled housing growth plan and the necessary infrastructure to support it, together with the services to support both current and future residents’ needs.

Through the working group, ably led by Cllr. Mark Cole, we have been fortunate in having a range of skilled people contributing to the production of this plan; needing as it does, a significant commitment in time, skill, and knowledge to master the extensive detail necessary for such a plan.

As vice chair of the working group, I feel privileged to be a very small part of something all the residents of Buckingham can take pride in.

  1. For enquiries, please contact Claire Molyneux at Buckingham Town Council on 01280 816426, communications@buckingham-tc.gov.uk
13 December 2024
Last Updated
13 December 2024
Published in