May Day celebrations took place on Wednesday 1st May 2024 at Bourton Meadow Academy, opened by Buckingham Town Mayor, Cllr. Anja Schaefer, and Town Crier, Patrick Laws.
The event started at 10:30am and whilst the sun shone, gathered students from Bourton Meadow Academy, Lace Hill Academy, and George Grenville Academy, performed various traditional country and maypole dances.
The playing field was also filled with parents, carers, guardians, and members of the public who got to enjoy watching the students showcase the dancing that they worked hard to learn.
Bourton Meadow Academy Sports Coach, Debbie Dearlove who has largely organised the event said: “It was so lovely to see so many people come and support the tradition of Country and Maypole Dancing. The children were fantastic in their demonstrations of the dances. I can’t thank everyone enough for making it such a successful event for Buckingham.”
Cllr Robin Stuchbury, Chairman of the Town Centre & Events Committee said: “Thank you on behalf of Buckingham Town Council’s Town Centre and Events Committee and to Debbie Dearlove from Bourton Meadow School for hosting this year’s May Day event. It was attended by so many parents, grandparents, and members of the public marking this historic day and celebration within our community of Buckingham.”