Home Your Town Council News Events Celebrate May Day 2024

Celebrate May Day 2024

This year, Buckingham celebrates May Day at a new location. Bourton Meadow Academy will play host to this traditional event on Wednesday 1st May 2024 from 10:30am. Children from local primary schools will take part in traditional country and Maypole dancing.  

Bourton Meadow Academy Sports Coach, Debbie Dearlove has been coordinating between all the local schools to ensure the students are prepared ahead of the event. She is pleased to keep this tradition alive and hopes everyone attending enjoys the performances.

Parents, guardians, and members of the public are encouraged to walk to the event where possible as parking is limited at Bourton Meadow Academy. A sign-in process will take place so please arrive on time to make sure you don’t miss the performances. Buckingham Town Mayor, Cllr. Anja Schaefer and Town Crier will open the event.  

Cllr Robin Stuchbury, Chairman of the Town Centre & Events Committee said: “This year we are having May Day at Bourton Meadow Academy and are working together with other local schools to make sure this event is not only in a safe environment but to allow more opportunity for young people and children to be included. We welcome the community and parents to come and share in this special event, marking another traditional May Day in Buckingham.”

12 April 2024
Last Updated
12 April 2024
Published in