Home Your Town Council News Buckingham News It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Buckingham

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Buckingham

Buckingham Town Council is delighted that Granta Network in partnership with Access All Aerials will be using drones to film the Big Buckingham Christmas Light Switch On this Saturday. The Council is asking all residents and businesses to switch their own lights on at 7pm on the 28th November to make the view from the air is going to be spectacular as possible.
Granta Network have said ‘There will be up to two drones flying in Buckingham Town Centre on the night of the switch-on to film the event. This has been carefully planned for several weeks, taking account of all drone regulations, to make sure that it can take place safely. It is vital that no other drones are flying in the area at the same time. This applies to all drones, regardless of size. The risk posed by any drone not under our control flying in the area will mean that we are unable to carry out the filming. We request, for your own safety (and that of our team), that you respect the lockdown restrictions, stay at home, turn on your lights and look forward to the video when it comes out.’
If you are planning on switching on your Christmas lights and would like to appear in the video, please get in touch with Tim at Granta Network by e-mailing tim@granta.net.
Councillor Robin Stuchbury, Chairman of the Town Council’s Town Centre and Events Committee, said:
‘This year has been one of the most difficult years for our Events Committee organising events. Discussions between Town Council officers and the Events Committee it was felt we shouldn’t be deterred from trying to do something positive and inclusive which all the community can take part in. Obviously this isn’t any substitute for gathering around the Christmas tree but we are hoping it will go a small way to help community spirit at this important time, while encouraging people where possible safely to start shopping & supporting our local community shops in this most testing of festive seasons for young and old alike.’
Keep watching the Town Council’s social media pages for a special message from Father Christmas, Town Mayor, Cllr Geraldine Collins and some light heartedness from Bard of Buckingham Dean Jones:  www.buckingham-tc.gov.uk
For enquiries please contact Paul Hodson at Buckingham Town Council on 01280 816426, office@buckingham-tc.gov.uk.

26 November 2020
Last Updated
26 November 2020
Published in